The popular specializations for game developers are computer science and computer engineering. While attending a full-time four-year college is the most established way of getting a video game programmer education, you can also get a game programmer education by taking an accredited online program. Check with colleges in your region to find out if they have any degree programs that can help you with becoming a game programmer. Employers tend to prefer candidates who have completed four-year degree courses as they have a more in-depth scientific grounding that is necessary for game development. Most game software developers have a formal education background, with at least a bachelor's degree. Prepare for stiff competition in the job market. Get an entry-level game developer position. Here are several steps you can take to become a game developer: Related: Starting a Career in Video Game Development How to become a game developer Generally, game developers work in small or large game studios, but some of them also work as independent developers and create and market their original games. They plan the different game levels and how players will advance through these. Game developers may design games or use already executed designs and write coding that will bring the game environments, characters and other elements to life. View more jobs on Indeed View More What does a game developer do?Ī game developer oversees the developmental process of a video game.